Change your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage
Women often find that the biggest obstacle to being all they were created to be is themselves. Though they long to succeed, they can't silence the voice inside whispering, "Just who do you think you are?" Through stories of modern and biblical women, My Own Worst Enemy explores both the calling of women to shine and the complex dynamic of self-sabotage that often keeps them from daring to obey. Janet Davis shows women how to break the cycle of shame and self-doubt to achieve their full potential.
Perfect for individuals or small groups, My Own Worst Enemy will encourage any woman who wants to stop holding herself back and begin living out her purpose in the kingdom.


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Do you worry all the time?
Do you want to improve your relationships?
You feel like your life needs more meaning/purpose.
You feel unhappy or stuck.
You often ask yourself “Is this all there is?”
You feel like your life has passed you by and you haven't achieved what you had hoped to.
Do you look at other people who seem happy and wonder where you went wrong?
You give to everyone but yourself.
You say YES more often than you truly want to.
Procrastination has become a way of life.
Asking for help seems selfish.
You’re burnt out and filled with stress and anxiety
Do you want better control over your emotions?
Do you feel like something is holding you back?
Do you have trouble reassessing life goals and developing and plan to achieve those goals in a timely manner?
Do you have difficulty asserting yourself or avoid conflict?
Do you have difficulty dealing with stressful situations?
Do you struggle with prioritizing?
Do you need help identifying your core strengths and ways to maximize your potential?
Do you need to reduce stress and increase productivity?
Do you want to take back control of your life?
You find yourself making excuses for unmet goals?
Then YOU are in the right place.

Look no further.
You have probably been thinking about making a change for a long time, but you just didn't know how. I'm so glad you landed in my backyard because I can help.
Hi, I’m Erin Ortiqeaux.
Do you struggle with low self-esteem, negative self-talk, lack of confidence, self-doubt and just don't feel like you're ENOUGH?
Are you a chronic people pleaser? Do you need to have control? Do you ISOLATE OR NUMB your way through life?
I can help you manage your INNER-CRITIC, let go of those sabotaging BEHAVIORS, and teach you how to EMBRACE your COURAGE. BECAUSE COURAGE + CONFIDENCE = your Best Life!
If not then STOP compromising and start your journey towards the life of your DREAMS!

Let's spend an hour together & take steps towards the life you always dreamed of.
Take inventory of your life today-get clear about what is and what is NOT working.
Discover what must happen in your life for you to feel like your life is fulfilling and well-lived. A life with no regrets.
Focus on your gifts/talents and how you could better utilize them.
Design a plan to help you get exactly what you need from coaching and to take action to get you closer to your dreams and goals.
Note: I do a limited number of these transformative sessions a month for FREE for people who are seriously considering entering a coaching relationship with me. Keep that in mind when you apply for a time. Hopefully, we will have the opportunity to work together to help you finally live the life you want, on your terms.
"After each session, I always feel invigorated, like I can do anything!"
Maureen, Coaching Client
When you crave a change in your life's direction, but you don't know how to make it happen...
When you're tired of feeling trapped in your day to day life but you're not sure what to do about it...
When you feel like you're spinning your wheels and wasting your time on things that aren't getting you anywhere...
When you're ready to finally go for your biggest dreams...
Then you can call on me.
Listen, I know we all think we have to figure it all out on our own. But the truth is, you will get on track faster and not lose momentum the moment you decide to accept and follow guidance from someone who has the experience and skills to quickly see where you're stuck and how you can get moving in the direction you want to go with clarity and confidence.
And that's where I come in.
As a life strategist for busy people, I work with people who have BIG plans for their lives and DON'T WANT TO WASTE TIME putting those plans into action and ultimately reaching their goals.
I am currently accepting applications for a limited number of new clients, so if you're ready to take back control of the direction of your life design, a life that you can get excited about, then let's get started!
My coaching programs are carefully designed to give you the guidance, support, and accountability you need to remain focused on your goals. I also strive to give you the knowledge, confidence, and tools you are looking for that will help you to achieve the results you are looking for in your life.
From professional athletes to dancers, artists, and performers, anyone striving to achieve more and push themselves to the next level, need someone to guide advise and support them along the way.
As your coach, I will help you design a plan to improve your personal and/or professional life. I will help you reach your full potential by offering support and encouragement while suggesting new or more effective ways for you to achieve your goals. I work with you every step of the way. Your plan is custom to your needs and goals. No cookie cutter plans. My job is to help you live your best life, your way.
My coaching curriculum is a partnership. Think of me as a loyal supportive friend who wants you to succeed and has a few skills and ideas and tools up my sleeve to help you do just that. My support system and guidance have one single goal in mind: to help you live the life you want and deserve. My coaching program helps you perform better, remove barriers, realize your potential and revitalize your dreams. Ultimately improve the quality of your life and relationships.

It's Time To Take A Stand
A Stand For The Life You Truly Want
Empowerment means that you are in charge of the direction of your own life in every aspect... Whether it's your relationships, your professional life, or anything else. It includes a sense of ownership, confidence, and self-respect that guides you in all areas of your life.
Empowerment is not about never making mistakes or everything going your way. Empowerment is about being self-confident that your choices in life are respected, your goals are chased, and your dreams are being tended to. Your needs are being met because you require those around you to treat you like your needs matter too.
As your coach, I will help guide you to that path and help you stay there are long as you need me to.
Empowerment coaching is designed to empower you with the focus, training, and accountability you need to achieve the consistent results you demand in the most important areas of your life. Just as athletes use coaches to play their best game, or musicians or singers use coaches to perform at their best, you too can use a coach to live your best life. I will challenge, guide and support you in attaining the results you want and deserve in your life.
Contact me today to set up a FREE, no obligations, strategy session designed just for you!

You Won't Regret It!
"So I had been to therapists/ Psychologists before, through my marriage and after my divorce. My take on that whole thing is kind of a long story, but for the most part, it’s very temporary fix. I had never heard of Life coaching until my daughter told me that she had one ( more of a spiritual one) and highly recommended it for me. I’m 59, single and heavily dealing with empty nest syndrome, I really never saw it coming so it was like taking the rug out from under my feet or really for me like taking my whole life away. So my daughter found 5 coaches for me and I spoke to each one to find the best fit, knowing it was going to cost a few $$ I was careful in my picking. Long story short, I picked Erin Ortiqeaux, they usually give you an introductory amount of time to see if there’s a connection. Erin was very patient with me, I had soooo much to unload, I knew I was a handful and so did she, but she took me on. We decided on the package for me and started, she warned me that she’s not a “ hand holder” which was also perfect, I didn’t want that, I wanted results and that’s exactly what I got with Erin. Our sessions were very thought-provoking, deep, exhausting sometimes for me. But most importantly valuable in learning so much more about myself, gratitude, stepping out of my comfort zone to create a new life, and most importantly acceptance after a two-year-long self-pity party that drove me and everyone around me crazy. The difference between Erin and therapist I’ve gone to is that she didn’t agree with everything I said, she read it back to me in a way to put it in a whole different perspective. I invested a few dollars on this, but I invested in myself and I have NO regrets. I don’t know about other coaches but I highly recommend Erin, and if and when I have my next crisis I’d call her again." Terri S.
What coaching does is help you create the kind of change you want in your life but just don’t quite know how to make happen.
Coaching helps you to gain clarity of the results you are wanting, open you to new possibilities and support you with a personalized strategic plan to get you where you want to go. All I need from you is an open mind and the decision to move forward with your dreams.
Life is a game, right? As with any game, if you have a coach with knowledge, experience, insight, practical skills and trust-worthy reliable support on your road to success (winning the game) it is much easier, smoother and much more enjoyable and rewarding.
Coaches help you design a plan to reach your goals, keep you focused on your plan, and on track to your desired results. Whether it's relationships troubles, professional struggles or personal growth, a coach is on the sidelines for you so you can be in the game giving it your all with the tools, skills, and support you need ready and available along the way.
You won't have to worry about struggling on your own and ending up giving up out of frustration or despair.
Often when we have given up in frustration we tell ourselves it is because we aren’t smart enough to figure it out, not competent enough to achieve it, too lazy to keep trying or not good enough to deserve it. None of this is true. You simply need the right information, unconditional support, a personalized strategy and time carved out to work on yourself, your life, your relationships and your happiness.
Coaching helps you become the leader of your life and the creator of your lifestyle of love, satisfaction, and fulfillment.
As your Relationship Coach & Life Strategist, you can rely on me to be your trusted ally while still holding you accountable to your highest good with unconditional and unbiased support and encouragement to keep you on track healing, growing, evolving and moving toward your desired outcome and greater results.
Sometimes when you lose sight of who you are, what you are made of, what you are capable of and what your dreams are, it only takes one other person to believe in you and reflect back to you who you are.
That is my mission as your Coach. To show support and belief in you until you find belief in yourself.
Contact me today for your FREE strategy session.

Because you’ve arrived here, you're most likely looking for real solutions or an end to the pain and struggle, frustration or even anger you’ve felt in your life and relationships, past or present.
I want you to know that you are not alone and that you are in the right place.
You’ve most likely endured a great deal in your life. Let me start by saying you’re an incredibly strong woman. From loss to heartache, from disappointment to betrayal, even shame, guilt, or possibly abuse. You have most likely lived through some hardships and have held strong and survived. I want to congratulate you for that.
If you are anything like I was, you think less of yourself than others do and you likely never put your needs on the list at all. We tend to deny our own needs, pushing ourselves beyond exhaustion, giving more than we have to give. This can easily lead to bitterness and resentment, even depression.
We settle for less than what we truly want because we feel it's the best we can get. Whether it's personally or professionally, we tell ourselves it's good enough. We people-please, saying yes when we really mean no. We sacrifice and compromise our needs to meet those of others, to our own detriment.
I understand because I've been there. I spent decades of my life believing I wasn't good enough.
Friends used me, bosses treated me badly. Even my intimate and personal relationships were hit by my feelings of unworthiness. I hurt them before they could hurt me, because I just knew they would hurt me. For years I struggled with unhealthy relationships.
I was so critical of myself and lacked the ability to appreciate myself so how could anyone else value or appreciate me?
A tragedy in my life woke me up. It made me realize that if I didn't put myself on the list, no one would.
I'll show you what I learned that works and what doesn't, what is worth your time and effort and what isn't, what will get you the results you want and what to avoid.
Today I'm here to help you put yourself back on the list and redesign your life on your terms, at last.
I will combine what I learned from my personal journey with the skills and tools I acquired in my Life Coach and Strategic Intervention training with Tony Robbins to guide and support YOU in getting what YOU WANT, having the life you always DREAMED of and BEING who YOU want to BE in your life.
Here's how coaching works...
First, we'll set up a time to talk for about a half an hour by phone/skype for you to share your story and to make sure we both feel a connection. A connection is really important because if we're not both feeling it, we simply won't get anywhere and you reaching your goals is my top priority! We will know right away if we are a good fit. If we are, we'll design a customized plan for you based specifically on what you want to accomplish.
If we decide to work together, you'll begin by completing a discovery process designed to get clarity on your goals and what is holding you back. This process will also set a solid foundation for our coaching relationship and ensure you are on the right path towards your goals at all times.
During this initial phase, we'll work together to straighten out the chaos in your life and to help you begin to build momentum toward your goals. We'll discover your strengths - what makes you come alive - where you are the most yourself. Understanding what drives you, what motivates you and what discourages you is a crucial part of the early coaching process.
We'll also clear away the elements that are in your way, the distractions, the emotions that may be holding you back, the places you are spending time that isn't moving you towards your goals. We will also discover the false beliefs you may be holding onto that are preventing you from moving forward towards the life you want and deserve.
No matter what you're struggling with, we'll get to the bottom of it. I have experience in guiding change in many areas of life, including career & entrepreneurship, health, relationships, habits, parenting, and communication.
We'll focus exactly where you need us to, and you are in charge of the direction you want to go.
After the first few months, we'll get together and decide what comes next. You may decide that you want to continue having me as a coach so you can sustain the momentum you've built, or you may decide to fly solo at that point. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Keep in mind, my goal is to help you reach your goals. If we have done that or you feel at this point that you can do it on your own, I have no hard feelings and am always grateful to be a help.
"I'm here to remind you that whatever your dream is, it is possible. You can have a life you truly love. You can have balance and be fulfilled - at work and at home. You can experience true joy and satisfaction with your life choices. It's possible. In fact, I won't let you settle for anything less.”
~ Erin
As I said, private coaching sessions are held via PHONE or Skype or IN-PERSON. I work globally via phone, Zoom, and Skype so location is never a limitation to getting the results you want.
All sessions (other than the original "get to know you session") are 60 minutes in length and scheduled between 9 am and 4 pm CMT Monday to Friday with evening sessions available on a case by case basis.
As your personal Coach, I promise a safe and confidential space for you and to provide you the tools and information you need to achieve the life and relationships you have always wanted.
I will support you in whatever setback, struggle, crossroad or confusion you’re facing and walk you safely out of the isolation, disappointment, frustration, self-doubt or despair to understanding, clarity and your own personal freedom.
We will work together at a pace that's comfortable for you and allows you to be supported, feel safe and confident every step of the way.
Using practical, proven coaching tools and effective life strategies I will help you get clear on exactly what you want and how to overcome whatever obstacles are in your way to create the fulfilling quality of life and relationships you’re ready to have!
Right now, while you are feeling that glimpse of hope that your dreams and goals can come true, sign up for your FREE strategy session and let's get you going towards the life you want, at long last.
How to Get Started
To discuss your personal situation and how I can best support you SCHEDULE YOUR COMPLIMENTARY CONSULT BELOW.
If you will take the first step by contacting me, I’ll be there to help you take the next step.
Together we’ll create a new experience of life for you!
If there is any part of you, your life or relationships that feel like it's missing, going in the wrong direction or if you just feel like life is passing you by, I’m here to support you in experiencing the fulfilling life you've always wanted.
The work we do together will help you win in every area of your life.
Don't let this moment pass, thinking you will look into it later. We both know how that works. This is your time. You're here for a reason, so let's get to it. It's your time to shine.
Let's get started
Life coaching is focused on the future to encourage personal development and self-improvement.
Therapy is centered around dealing with healing from wounds that are still raw whereas coaching is designed for individuals who once had those same wounds but have grown callouses over those wounds and seem to be fine and yet struggle to achieve their goals and live the life they truly want.
Most people don’t have a life coach. They think that they can “do it on their own” or aren’t willing to make that investment in themselves.
Having a coach to help guide and support you towards your goals will reduce your stress, save you money in the long run and help you reach your goals faster.
Coaches make you more accountable-they keep you from procrastinating and are action-oriented.
Coaching saves you time-keep you focused and help you find the fastest most direct path to your goals and help you avoid the pitfalls they are already aware of.

Work With Me
Get The Life You Really Want!
I'm Erin Ortiqeaux, As a Strategic Interventionist, my focus is on helping people live their best lives.
I use a Coaching system based on the belief in every individual to build/rebuild and live the life they want.
I’m here to help you reclaim your dreams, discover your strengths and rebuild the life YOU want on your terms.
I can give you the tools you need to build the life of your dreams!
Are you a woman, a wife, a mother, a professional, an executive with what appears to be a good life and yet you struggle with:
Reaching Your Goals
Fear Holding You Back
Lack Of Motivation
Lack Of Self Confidence
Setting Boundaries
Unfulfilling Relationships
Feeling Disconnected
I was just like...YOU!
I spent decades struggling with self-doubt, negative self-talk and a complete lack of boundaries in my life. I lived a suffocated life on the inside and was completely detached from my true self and from everything and everyone emotionally because of what I now know was a fear of rejection.
Consequently, my relationships were not fulfilling. People walked all over me and I compensated for the feeling of being disconnected by forming unhealthy relationships, pursuing a career that left me disappointed.
I eventually realized that the suffocation and tension that I felt in my work & personal life was directly linked to my low self-esteem.
Despite having a great family, amazing and supportive marriage, and promising career, I could not seem to feel happy - nor was I able to master my ability to move forward in life. I felt unfulfilled by my success because there was a crucial piece of the puzzle that was missing.
I was not EMPOWERED. I was not in control of MY OWN LIFE!
Who I am today?
I didn’t know who I truly was.
Up until that time I looked self-confident on the outside but on the inside I felt powerless. I had no idea what EMPOWERMENT was, let alone how to GET IT and implement it into my life.
My life vaguely resembled an essence of who I truly am. I was lost and unable to enjoy the great aspects of my life like my amazing husband, my supportive family, or my career because I felt like I was just playing a part in my life story rather than directing every scene.
So what changed?

I have overcome my self-doubt and have moved to a new level in my life! I found the secret to living an EMPOWERED LIFE!
I know, that sounds corny, but it's true.
I understand fully how to be both loving and kind, yet stand my ground firmly. I have mastered the ability to set healthy boundaries in my life and career. I live my life with integrity and intent.
After living outside of myself, incongruent with my values and beliefs, I finally dared to believe in myself and take back control of my life - unapologetically.
I invite You to join me and be part of a world movement of Empowered Women who…
Have healthy boundaries in their lives;
Embrace their strengths and build on them daily;
Harness & Celebrate the power of your uniqueness;
Plan, set and achieve goals more easily and effectively;
Have healthy productive relationships;
Break free from the false beliefs and fears that have held them back;
Have the courage to live the life they truly want bravely without masks;
Surrender to the irresistible urge to build a Legacy;
Feel the freedom to design and live their lives on their terms without judgment or applogies.
I Love working with fascinating, successful, and inspiring women who crave more out of their lives. Whether you are a wife and mother who wants to reclaim her life or a professional woman who feels like she is being held back in her career and has an insatiable desire for success but can't seem to find the secret to her success, EMPOWERMENT is the key.
If you dream of living a life that YOU have created and that YOU control… If you have the courage to bravely take action, you are ready to be a part of the Take Back Your Life Community who are standing up for themselves and choosing to believe in themselves.
My mission is to help you achieve the best results in your personal and professional life, no matter where you are around the globe.
For more than 10 years, I have been helping single women, moms, wives, business owners, young adults just starting out, leaders and achievers through their journey of EMPOWERMENT growth with amazing achievement and lasting success!
I believe that EMPOWERMENT is what transforms our lives from ordinary to extraordinary.
Empowered people, even those who are newly empowered, are those who will never give up on their dreams. They create a vision for their future, and actualize it through determination, commitment, persistence and inspiration!
Since my teenage years, I have wondered what makes people behave in certain ways and which behaviors influence success. I searched for decades for understanding.
What makes people successful in both their personal lives and professional lives was right in front of my face.
The solution is a DECISION!
A decision to TAKE CONTROL OF THEIR LIFE and rebuild their lives. A decision to change their mindset from settling for whatever happens to them in their life to MAKING THEIR LIFE HAPPEN.
As a Mindset Mastery Coach, I can help you do just that. You can turn your once forgotten dreams into reality. Then tap into your potential that has become forgotten or lost and achieve extraordinary results that may not have seemed possible before.
The decision to EMPOWER YOURSELF is a decision that YOU MATTER TOO!
Take control of
Your Greatest Self.
Build your dream life for yourself — Not by yourself

Be Bold…
Don't apologize, step boldly into your possibilities.
Dare to believe that you are worthy of the life of your dreams.
Experience the power of your life with integrity, intention, & purpose using the force of SELF EMPOWERMENT.
Erin Ortiqeaux
Business and Lifestyle Coach, Strategic Interventionist
Private 1:1 Coaching includes four 1-hour live video sessions a month plus ongoing email/Voxer support.
(Please note, many times there may be a waiting list. I also don't accept everyone for private coaching. Depending on availability, you will get scheduled as soon as possible.)
To get started, fill out the application form and someone from our team will get in touch with you right away.